Saturday, 5 November 2011

Given my blog a makeover! And big decisions...

Hey everyone!
So as you can see, I've given my blog a total makeover.
Basically I really am trying to put so much effort in to this, I want to really take pride in my blog and for others to love it as much as I love writing it. Therefore I felt I wanted to give it a bit of personal touch and steer clear from the generic themes on blogger and give myself a proper header.

It was a bit of a fiddle on photoshop and its nothing fancy but I think I like it :).

Another big thing I want to tell and ask you all is, I also have my own freelance make-up business called 'Dolly Roger' I'll put links at the end if you want to find out more or see any of my work. Basically, I was thinking of tying the two in together. I post alot of my blog posts on Dolly Rogers facebook, and I was thinking of renaming this blog in order to co inside. Please let ne know your honest oppinions.

Dolly Roger is a new business venture of mine, everything is starting slow but I've put so much effort in to it and its something that I'm really proud of. I love my logo, it was designed secifically for me by a very good friend of mine. He's a brillaint street artist based in London and his work is incredible, his work has been seen all over the world and all over the press, however he has told me he doesn't want any credit given because it was a favour to me, I still feel the need to mention his name because I'm so prooud of what he's achieved and he's a big inspiration to me. So if you want to look him up, his name is Rich Simmons and he's the founder of Art is the cure :).

Basically after that big essay, I'd like some feedback, should make-up meow stay as it is? Or should it reincarnate as Dolly Roger? Baring in mind that the posts will all remain the same, the only thing to change will be the name and layout, and there may possibly be some posts with some behind the scenes photos and notes from any shoots thats I do.

Let me know your thoughts.


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